Glossary of Crochet Terms
Crochet, with its countless stitches, is a language in its own right. Just as we learn symbols and abbreviations in our mother tongue, it’s just as essential to be able to decode patterns written in other languages so as not to limit our creative options.
This lexicon gives you the keys to translating any pattern into the available languages, making your work flow more smoothly and allowing you to easily follow the instructions for your crochet projects. With this invaluable resource, explore without limits the infinite possibilities offered by the world of crochet.
Welcome to our crochet glossary! We’ve compiled a list of commonly used crochet terms, along with their translations into various languages, as well as their abbreviations.
To make it easier for you to navigate and help you with your project, you can use this table in a number of different ways. You can choose the base language and the language to be translated from the drop-down menus at the top of the table. Once selected, the translations will be automatically updated.
What’s more, if you see a term that particularly interests you, you can simply click on it to highlight it. This can help you focus on the terms that are important to your project. If you click again on an already selected line, the highlight will disappear.
Feel free to explore the table and use these features to facilitate your research and work. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Happy crocheting!
Symbol | English US | Abbreviations | French | Abbreviations |
Looking for a more detailed crochet dictionary in a specific language? Check out our specific pages!