English-Deutsch Crochet Glossary: Pattern translation and abbreviation

You’ve found a wonderful pattern, but it’s only in German? Don’t worry, this dictionary is here to help!

Designed to make your work easier, this English-Deutsch dictionary will guide you through the translation of essential crochet terms. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, it will give you access to patterns in a language you haven’t yet mastered.

And that’s not all! Download the PDF for free, so you’ll always have it to hand and can crochet without a connection. Dive into a creative world without borders with this lexicon!

Explore patterns in German to transform your crochet practice.

Access to a wider variety of models

Not limiting yourself to a single language allows you to explore a wider range of designers and unique patterns. German, for example, is a language rich in original patterns that may not be available in other languages. Venturing beyond the language barrier opens doors to a variety of styles and techniques.

Improve your linguistic and technical skills

Reading a pattern in another language, even without mastering it perfectly, can be an excellent opportunity to learn technical terms specific to crochet. This enriches both your technical vocabulary and your language skills, which can help you in other projects or in exchanges with international crocheters.

Explore new techniques and traditions

Every culture has its own crochet styles and techniques. By exploring patterns in different languages, you can discover methods that are not commonly used in your mother tongue. For example, some traditional German patterns or stitches can provide you with innovative ideas for your creations.

Boost your creativity and self-confidence

Overcoming the language barrier pushes you out of your comfort zone and into more creative thinking. By confronting a boss in an unfamiliar language, you develop your ability to solve problems, interpret diagrams and follow instructions, boosting your confidence in your abilities as a crocheter.

 The Deutsch – English Crochet Glossary

To take this glossary with you wherever you go, simply enter your email address below, and you’ll receive the PDF directly in your mailbox!

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    To facilitate navigation and help you with your project, you can simply click on a term of interest to highlight it. This can help you focus on the translations that are important to your project. If you click again on an already selected line, the highlight will disappear.

    English US Abbreviation (EN) German Abbreviation (DE)
    Basic Stiches
    Chain ch Luftmasche häkeln / Luftmaschenkette lm
    Single crochet sc Feste Masche fm
    Half double crochet hdc Halbes Stäbchen hStb
    Double crochet dc Stäbchen Stb
    Treble tr Doppelstäbchen DStb
    Double treble dtr Dreifachstäbchen 3fStb
    Slip stitch slst Kettmasche Km
    Increase inc Zunahme zun
    Decrease dec Abnahme abn
    Magic circle mc Fadenring / Magic Ring MR
    Work in round In Runden arbeiten
    Work in row In Reihen arbeiten
    Row Reihe r
    Repeat rep Wiederholen wdh
    Position & Instructions
    Back loop only blo In das hintere Maschenglied häkeln nur Hmg
    Front loop only flo In das vordere Maschenglied häkeln nur Vmg
    Insert in Einstechen in
    Crochet together tog Stäbchen Zusammen stb zus
    Continue cont Weiterarbeiten
    Skip a stitch sk Eine Masche überspringen
    Fasten off fo Abketten
    Yarn over Yo Umschlag Yo
    Cut the yarn Faden abschneiden
    Materials & Tools
    Yarn / Wool Garn
    Yarn weight Garnstärke
    Hook Häkelnadel
    Hook size Häkelnadelgröße
    Tapestry needle Stopfnadel
    Stitch marker Maschenmarkierer
    Gauge Maschenprobe
    Thread Faden
    Safety eyes Sicherheitsaugen
    Needle Nadel
    Stuffing Füllmaterial
    Scissors Schere
    Knitting needles Stricknadeln
    Textured or Special stitches
    Popcorn stitch pc Popcorn-Muster
    Bobble stitch Punto nocciolina
    Star stitch Stern Muster
    Shell stitch Muschelmuster
    Filet stitch Netz-Muster
    Cable stitch Zopfmuster
    V-stitch V-Muster
    Ribbing stitch Elastisches Muster
    Other terms
    Tension Maschenspannung
    Pattern Anleitung
    Free pattern Kostenlose Anleitung
    Invisible join Unsichtbare Naht
    Joining Zusammennähen
    Pick up stitches Maschen aufnehmen
    Slip knot Gleitknoten

    I hope you find this English-German glossary of essential crochet terms useful for your projects! Don’t forget to download the PDF so you’ll always have it to hand.

    Want to go even further? Discover the multilingual lexicon, with translations in Spanish, English and many other languages for crocheting without borders!

    Discover our other Crochet articles:


    by Katy

    Creator of Yarn & Crochet