English-Russian Crochet Glossary: Pattern translation and abbreviation

Crochet offers a multitude of captivating patterns, from amigurumis to clothes and accessories. However, some of the patterns available are written in Russian, which can be a challenge when you’re just starting out. But rest assured, with a good lexicon and a little practice, it’s easy to decipher the instructions and crochet with confidence.

If you’re working with patterns in Russian, it’s essential to know the terms and abbreviations specific to that language. That’s why I’ve provided you with a detailed lexicon of crochet translations from French to Russian. For even more simplicity, you can also download a handy PDF to keep on hand for your projects.

Why learn Russian crochet vocabulary?

Access unique patterns

Many Russian crochet patterns, including amigurumis and sophisticated cloths, are only available in Russian. Understanding this vocabulary allows you to explore these creations without language barriers.

Follow Russian tutorials

Russian crocheters regularly share their techniques through videos and blogs. By mastering the specific terms, you can better understand these resources and enrich your skills.

Interacting with a passionate community

Crochet is a popular art form in Russia, with a vibrant community. Knowing the basic vocabulary will enable you to interact with Russian designers, ask questions and share your creations.

Developing your crochet skills

Learning new terminology and techniques from another crochet culture allows you to broaden your skills and experiment with different methods to perfect your art.

 The Russian – English Crochet Glossary

To take this glossary with you wherever you go, simply enter your email address below, and you’ll receive the PDF directly in your mailbox!

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    To facilitate navigation and help you with your project, you can simply click on a term of interest to highlight it. This can help you focus on the translations that are important to your project. If you click again on an already selected line, the highlight will disappear.


    English US Abbreviation (EN) Russian
    Basic Stitches
    Chain ch Воздушная петля
    Single crochet sc Столбик без накида
    Half double crochet hdc Полустолбик с накидом
    Double crochet dc Столбик с накидом
    Treble tr столбик с двумя накидами
    Double treble dtr столбик с тремя накидами
    Slip stitch slst соединительный столбик
    Increase inc прибавка
    Decrease dec убавка
    Magic circle mc Магическое кольцо
    Work in round Круговое вязание без соединения
    Work in row Прямые ряды
    Row Ряд
    Repeat rep повторить
    Position & Instructions
    Back loop only blo за заднюю стенку петли
    Front loop only flo за переднюю стенку петли
    Insert in ввести крючок в
    Crochet together tog провязать вместе
    Continue cont продолжать
    Skip a stitch sk пропустить
    Fasten off fo закончить вязание
    Yarn over Yo накид
    Cut the yarn Обрезать нить
    Materials & Tools
    Yarn / Wool Пряжа
    Yarn weight Толщина пряжи
    Hook крючок
    Hook size Размер крючка
    Tapestry needle Гобеленовая игла
    Stitch marker Маркер для петель
    Gauge Плотность вязания
    Thread Нитка
    Safety eyes Безопасные глазки
    Needle Игла
    Stuffing Синтепух
    Scissors Ножницы
    Knitting needles Спицы для вязания
    Textured or Special stitches
    Popcorn stitch pc Петля попкорн
    Bobble stitch Объемный столбик
    Star stitch Петля Звездчатый столбик
    Shell stitch Петля ракушка
    Filet stitch Филейная вязка
    Cable stitch Петля Косичка
    V-stitch V-образный столбик
    Ribbing stitch резинка
    Other terms
    Tension Натяжение
    Pattern узор
    Free pattern Бесплатный узор
    Invisible join Скрытый шов
    Joining Соединение
    Pick up stitches Набирать петли
    Slip knot Скользящий узел

    I hope you find this English-Russian glossary of essential crochet terms useful for your projects! Don’t forget to download the PDF so you’ll always have it to hand.

    Want to go even further? Discover the multilingual lexicon, with translations in Spanish, English and many other languages for crocheting without borders!

    Discover our other Crochet articles:


    by Katy

    Creator of Yarn & Crochet